Our offerings integrate principles and practices that engage the whole person and teaches a learning process that results in transformational growth and sustainable behavior change.
We have successfully supported and developed leaders at all levels of the organization --ranging from Senior Executives to High-Potential Leaders to Emerging Talent. PEP also has the versatility and elasticity to support the development of intact teams.
We love the creative challenge of custom designing each program to meet the unique business, cultural and people needs of our clients. That’s what really brings our work to life in a meaningful way. Reach out, let us know your intention and we will collaborate on building a program that works for you.
These essential elements are incorporated into all our work.
Vertical Development: Lasting behavior change and growth requires developing the whole person - head, heart and body – deepening intellectual, emotional and somatic intelligence.
Our signature program unfolds over the course of seven to ten months and offers a blend of large group workshops, facilitated small group discussions, individual coaching sessions and peer coaching as the structured learning environment.
Participants select a Skill & Quality they want to cultivate, observe themselves in real time to gain insight/self-awareness, and then practice new behaviors to establish new habits and develop mastery.
At the center of the PEP learning process lies our aim to develop the whole person—head, heart and body—intentionally integrating all “three centers” of intelligence: cognitive, emotional and somatic.
Although we say that PEP follows a specific linear process, in reality, growth does not unfold in such a neat and organized way. Our aim is not to insist that participants follow our map. Our intention is to set up a simple, elegant latticework to provide sufficient structure to support people's full engagement in their learning. Instead of filling them with the latest models, theories and ideas, we create just enough form and content to reorient and inspire, giving each person a chance to step in and take charge of their own development with guidance and support from us.
Participants Consistently Report Growth and Development in the Following Areas:
• Accountability: Increased ability to take ownership and responsibility for personal actions, without blaming, judging or making excuses
• Calm: Increased ability to “let it go” and gracefully deal with what is actually happening
• Collaboration: Greater willingness to engage and ignite the power of the collective
• Connection: Deeper listening to the inherent wisdom that lives within, creating more meaningful relationships with self, others and the community
• Courage: Expanded ability to hear the voice of self-doubt and fear yet choose to take action or speak up, anyway
• Creativity: Generate new possibilities by becoming more open-minded and curious
• Patience: Greater capacity to slow down, push pause, reflect and then confidently respond to the situation
• Presence: Build the muscle of focused attention and the capacity to be in the moment while in the midst of distractions
• Resilience: Greater capacity to skillfully and quickly recover from unpredictable challenges and continuous change
• Self-Awareness: Increased ability to clearly see how one show’s up in the world and notice the impact they have on others
Impact Studies and Client Surveys Report the Following Results:
• In an impact study measured over time, external consultants found a 10-20% increase in employee satisfaction, fulfillment and meaning, both professionally and personally.
• Employee surveys indicate that 98% of the people who have completed PEP better understood what they needed to do to be more successful at work and at home and felt they had the skills, tools and the support to do so.
• One long-term client reported a 19% increase in engagement scores by PEP participants (as compared to their internal surveys and general population).
• Over three years, one partner reported that 94% of PEP participants rated the program as better than any other corporate development program they had experienced.
The central foundation of this offering is a thoughtful series of large group Workshops designed to increase self-awareness and develop the whole person. We go deep into a specific topic and invite the participants to explore, experience and embody new learnings while connecting with others in a safe and supportive community. This all happens over time until the uncomfortable new becomes the natural norm.
Workshop 1: Intention - We start with heart by teaching the principles of whole person listening and uncovering what matters most in each person’s life. This is the foundation to establishing a solid commitment to the participant’s selected development topic.
Workshop 2: Attention - Since we can’t change what we don’t notice, this Workshop explores and teaches the power of Mindful Awareness.
Workshop 3: Action - In this Workshop we begin building the capacity to notice when we are in our reactive patterns that are activated by stress, pressure or fear. We then build the muscle of Center, which allows us to respond to life with more ease, grace and effectiveness.
Workshop 4: Integration - This is the moment in time when we begin to explore and experiment with what it feels like to be in full alignment; clarity of mind, compassion of heart and confidence of body.
Workshop 5: Celebration - In this Workshop we explore what has changed in our lives, articulate how we know and establish a pathway toward what’s next?
As with all our offerings, the Whole Person Workshop series is supported by either small group coaching or individual coaching to expand perspective and deepen self-awareness.
We offer individual coaching programs that are firmly rooted in our whole person development process. The focus is always on the person being coached –we will meet them wherever they are, listen attentively and offer our expertise, guidance and honest perspective. Our intention is to support leaders in setting a clear intention of the outcome they want to achieve in their work and life, select a quality they want to develop and rigorously practice new behaviors that deliver upgraded results. Over time, we help leaders gain access to their strengths, learn to build satisfying relationships, and develop the capacity to make clear decisions, speak powerfully, and take appropriate action.
Our coaching helps open unseen possibilities. In the context of a supportive coaching relationship, the sky widens, the world expands, and so do you.
We are fortunate! Our work has been written about, honored and recognized by the coaching and leadership development community. Here are a few acknowledgments that make us particularly proud.
• 2016 ComputerWorld: Best Places to Work in IT
• 2015 ComputerWorld: Best Places to Work in IT
• 2012 Harvard Business Review/McKinsey Management Innovation Challenge award.
• 2010 Computerworld awarded Genentech IT #2 out of 100 Best Places to Work in IT. PEP was cited as a central component for this organization’s excellence.
• 2010 PEP received the Prism Award from the International Coach Federation for excellence and business results through coaching.
• "Leading With Clarity, Courage, And Curiosity," The Amiel Show with Pamela Weiss, August 2015
• "Winning People's Hearts," IEDP Leadership Journal, 2012
• Read a White Paper on PEP: A Radical Approach to Organizational Transformation.
• "A Zen Approach to Coaching" an article by Pamela Weiss on Coaching
• "Growing People," winner of the MIX Beyond Bureaucracy Challenge, 2012
• "Well-Being in the Workplace," O Magazine, 2012
• "Developing Mindful Leaders," Harvard Business Review Blog, 2011
• View a five minute video of Pamela Weiss welcoming a new PEP class
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